Sunday, November 16, 2008

That D#%$@ Pesky Rodent!

Ok, typically I'm an animal lover. I mean, I have 4 dogs, a cat, and a pet goat. So imagine my suprise this weekend when I found myself feeling like "Tom" from Tom and Jerry Cartoons of my youth.

I used to LOVE to watch that silly cartoon when I was a kid. I'd laugh at how "stupid" Tom was and marvel at how clever Jerry was. I kept thinking, why don't they just buy some poison or a trap. That'll get rid of that mouse!

My two brothers and I would sit and watch every episode of the cartoon which I'm certain was created before our parents were even born. This was back in the days before there were 20 cartoon chanels for kids to become absorbed in and when cartoons were only on Saturday mornings.

My Advendture started last week when I was getting ready for my son's football banquet. I was preparing a potluck dish when I noticed out of the corner of my eye something moving on the counter top and then saw it skirt across the stove and down into the stove burner. All I could see was it's tail. I let out a loud scream and then proceeded to dismantle my stove trying to find the mouse.

Needless to say I couldn't find it. So, the next day I purchased a package of cheap Dollar store mouse traps, baited them with peanut butter and waited............

A couple of hours later I noticed the traps had NO BAIT left on them!!! I was perplexed. Maybe I didn't get it on the trap good enough.... I set the trap again and waited... Again that sneaky rodent got the peanut butter off without setting off the trap!!

Herb and I set off on an excursion to by "the better mouse trap." All the while I kept thinking, how did my cat not already catch that darn mouse?!?!?! At Lowes, Herb and I stood in front of the "outdoor pest control" section marveling at all the tools available for rodent removal.

You have the Tomcat trap with the fake cheese. Instantly kills the mouse.

Then you have the poison which they eat and kills them eventually..... We've used this before but the unfortunate reality is they die in your heat vents and then your house stinks for a long time! :( So we didn't want to use this again.

Then you have the traps which kills them but conceals their bodies so you don't have to see them. Sounds appealing but we're just not sure how they work so therefore can't be sure they will actually work.

And last but not least you have the "Glue Traps."

These trap the mouse live and then you have to watch them suffer or kill them yourself. Once they get stuck they can't get off unless they chew a leg off or something. Disgusting!

We decided this was just way too inhumane and there for went with Option #1- Tomcat mouse trap.

We came home baited the trap with some peanut butter and waited. Suprise, suprise! The D@#%$ Mouse ate all of our bait and the trap was not tripped!

Herb has decided that we now have a new pet and the eventually the mouse will get fat eating all my peanut butter and will eventually set the trap off and then I will have my revenge.....
Until Then!


emilyi said... keep on fighting the good fight..and congrats on ur new pet hee hee i think cats dont like field mice..thanks for the chuckle ..luvs ya

Brooke said...

That is too funny. Those little guys are clever!

chichiluv2 said...

Its so funny hearing about your mouse story- my husband and I just went through the same situation. Luckily, he was the was the one that saw the mouse as well as caught the mouse. I think they are gross in the house but hate the fact that we purposely KILL them... Awwww...

Danielle said...

You're it! Read my blog for info...